Three Foot Care Tips For Diabetic Patients

Diabetes is a serious medical problem that many people will be unfortunate enough to experience. While this condition's most noticeable side effect will be to your blood sugar levels, there are many other effects that it can also have. For example, it can be possible for diabetes to contribute to serious foot problems, and this can make it beneficial to be aware of some basic tips for avoiding severe complications with your feet due to diabetes. [Read More]

Got Toenail Fungus? Treat The Condition With Items You Likely Already Have In Your Home

If you have toenail fungus, your nail may be yellow, white and/or brittle and break easily. Toenail fungus is not dangerous for a healthy individual. However, it can be embarrassing, especially during the summer months when you may be wearing flip flops and sandals. If you have toenail fungus, there are many ways to treat this condition. Fortunately, a few of the methods involve the use of items you likely already have in your home or can inexpensively obtain from a drugstore. [Read More]

Understanding How Equinus Could Be The Source Of Your Foot And Ankle Pain

Equinus is an ankle condition that affects your gait when you walk. It causes various foot problems because you develop an abnormal gait to compensate for your stiff ankle. You may visit a podiatrist for your foot pain and not even know the real cause is a problem with your ankle. Equinus can be treated and therefore reduce your episodes of foot pain. Here is some information about this condition you may find helpful. [Read More]

Morning Foot Pain: What This Exclusive Problem May Mean For You

Foot pain is never easy to live with, but when your feet hurt mostly or only in the morning, it's tough to get your day started and also is possible cause for alarm. Don't brush it off or put off getting help, as the problem isn't likely to go away on its own. What The Problem Could Be Since you could be dealing with any number of issues, it's important that you speak to a podiatrist about your morning foot pain. [Read More]