What to Expect With Flexible Hammertoe Surgery on the Tendon in Your Toe

Flexible hammertoe is a condition where your toe is bent at a joint, but the podiatrist can still stretch it out. If your hammertoe condition progresses, you could develop a fixed hammertoe. This is when your toe is bent permanently and can't be straightened. Flexible hammertoe can sometimes be reversed with orthotics and physical therapy. However, it might be necessary to have surgery. Your podiatrist makes the best recommendation for your treatment depending on the severity of your pain and the condition of your toe. [Read More]

How to Speed Up Your Recovery From Ankle Replacement Surgery

Ankle replacement surgery is a pretty involved procedure, and it comes with a relatively long recovery time. Most people have to stay off of their foot for about a month post-surgery, and it tends to be about six months before they're able to return to most normal activities like walking and standing for long periods of time. However, these are just estimates. While nobody is going to recover from an ankle replacement in two weeks, there are a few things you can do to help speed up your recovery as much as is reasonably possible. [Read More]

How Foot Issues Can Affect Other Parts Of Your Body

Your feet help to carry your entire body from place to place, but it's most likely the one part of the body that gets the least amount of attention on your part. If you don't take care of your feet properly, it could cause an issue for your feet, and it can also begin to cause problems for other parts of your body as well. Read on for information on how your foot issues can affect other parts of your body. [Read More]

3 Reasons To Schedule An Appointment With A Foot Doctor

Your primary care physician can treat a variety of conditions, but there are situations where you may need to see a specialist. If you are experiencing foot or ankle problems, you may need to be referred to a foot doctor, also known as a podiatrist. A podiatrist is a type of physician that specializes in treating a variety of conditions and injuries that affect the feet and ankles. When you are having problems with your feet, it is in your best interest to see a podiatrist as soon as possible in order to prevent the issue from getting worse. [Read More]